CanYon Walk – DisAppearing Acts Travel Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:21:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CanYon Walk – DisAppearing Acts Travel 32 32 The sights and sounds of a carnival Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:21:10 +0000 All charges are collected one-way per single flight. If passenger has connecting flight(s), the first boarding point will collect relevant charges also for all connecting flights (multiply all applicable charges by number of flights) until final destination (last destination to which baggage is through-checked).

Any passenger will be charged for excess baggage at the rates applicable for collection at the airport if she/he prepaid for excess baggage in the travel agency, but her/his actual checked baggage weight exceeds the limit she/he prepaid for.

Join us this weekend Mon, 08 Oct 2018 11:11:26 +0000 All charges are collected one-way per single flight. If passenger has connecting flight(s), the first boarding point will collect relevant charges also for all connecting flights (multiply all applicable charges by number of flights) until final destination (last destination to which baggage is through-checked).

Any passenger will be charged for excess baggage at the rates applicable for collection at the airport if she/he prepaid for excess baggage in the travel agency, but her/his actual checked baggage weight exceeds the limit she/he prepaid for.
